Wealth Management

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A. Financial Planning Services

We provide holistic financial planning solutions with our 360° Redvest Full Financial Plan. We have fully licensed financial planners in Redvest to go through your financial well-being and to construct a long-term plan for
you and your family.

  1. Full or Modular Financial Plan
  2. Retirement Lifestyle Planning & Management
  3. Insurance Planning & Management
  4. Children Higher Education Planning
  5. Personal Cashflow, Assets and Liabilities Analysis
  6. Redvest Financial Happiness Scale 360

B. Unit Trust Portfolio Construction & Advisory

Our licensed financial advisors are ready to help you in the  confusing world of managed funds. With so many choices, opportunities and themes, you need help in constructing a portfolio of investments that suits your goals and preferences.

  1. Growth & Market Capture Portfolio
  2. Preservation & Yield Portfolio
  3. Currency Diversified Portfolio
  4. Green ESG SRI Portfolio

Products & Services

A. Insurance Advisory

We are a licensed Financial Advisory firm by Bank Negara Malaysia which allows us to advise and distribute life and general insurance products and services for both conventional and Takaful by multiple insurance providers.

We are different than insurance agencies where we provide unbiased advice as we are not attached to one single insurance provider and can offer you multiple solutions across many insurance providers.

B. Corporate Unit Trust Advisory

We associate ourselves with forward looking investment solutions providers that give our clients the ability to manage, purchase and monitor their unit trust investment portfolio with ease, coupled with the guidance of our investment advisors.

  1. Multi Fund House Unit Trust Investment
  2. Digital Unit Trust Management Platform
  3. Unit Trust Wrap Account (zero switching fee across multiple fund houses).
  4. Fund of Funds
  5. Single Stocks & ETFs Investments
  6. Retail Bonds
  7. Managed Accounts Services

C. Private Retirement Scheme Advisory

Our range of products and services include Private Retirement Schemes to complete our Wealth Management operatios. We see retirement and old age planning to play a major role in everyone’s financial plan.

  1. Multi Fund House PRS Investments
  2. Digital PRS Management Platform.
  3. PRS Vesting For Corporate Employees